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To save a listing to your list of favorites, click into the listing you're interested in and simply click the "Save Listing" button from the listing details page.

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How To Handle Adult Kids Moving Back Home

Sometimes life happens and adults move back into their parents' home. Here are some topics to discuss so the living situation run smoothly.

Payment. Discuss payment parameters upfront and make expectations clear. The biggest fights typically stem from confusion. If rent payments are in order, agree on a price and due date. Utility and grocery bills naturally increase when another person enters the household. Discuss who is covering which costs to avoid future conflict.

Rules and Chores. Agree to boundaries from the start. Discuss things such as quiet hours, extra guests and parking arrangements. Re-work the chore list so that everyone is participating in keeping the home clean and uncluttered. Communicate openly as new rules need to be established or old rules adapted. 

Timeline. Many parents and adult children fear the living arrangements will continue indefinitely. Lessen this fear by talking about how long the adult child needs to stay at home. Will it be just between moves - maybe a few weeks? Or, will it be until the adult child finds a job? Setting some form of deadline will help everyone keep perspective while living in close quarters