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Organize tools with these handy tips

Hours of searching for the right gadget, no room to park your car in the garage, and rusty tools: these outdoor storage worries need to go.

With simple pallets, pegboards and proper planning, you can optimize your space and put an end to the problem of storing lawn and garden tools.

If space is limited, a simple wood pallet secured to a wall in your garage or outdoor shed creates a one-step solution. Store your rakes and shovels by slotting them in between the panels vertically. Or, flip the pallet horizontally and attach nails for mounting smaller tools or a garden hose.

If you have space but crave organization, pegboards make for the ultimate 'wallpaper.' Whether hanging hammers and screwdrivers, shelves or extension cords, pegboards keep your tools visible for easy access.

For a cosmetic touch, attach a wooden lattice to a door. With a few nails, this simple addition doubles as a rustic accent and a place to hang gardening gloves, a trowel or a broom.

Try some of these ideas and save yourself some valuable time before your next outdoor project.