How Does Saved Listings Work?

To save a listing to your list of favorites, click into the listing you're interested in and simply click the "Save Listing" button from the listing details page.

You have now saved your listing!

To view your saved listings, click on the top " Saved Listings" link at the top of the screen near the menu. Save as many as you want and catalog them with this easy-to-use feature!

This feature works by storing an HTTP cookie on your machine to store and retrieve your list of favorites. To clear all favorite listings, simply clear out your browser's cookies (under the browser's settings).

Real Estate Tips

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Choosing Interior Paint Colors

Paint offers the opportunity for change. Your home can reflect your personality with just a fresh coat of color.

To calm a space down, choose lavender, light blue or gray.

For vibrant vibe, try coral, chartreuse or bright yellow. Don't be afraid to mix hues and patterns, especially for rooms meant for high energy.

If bold colors overwhelm your space, opt for an accent wall in an otherwise neutral room.

Shades of blue can increase your productivity. Layer blues in your home office to help with focus and concentration.