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Real Estate Tips

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Roomy Kitchen Countertops

Stage a kitchen so that it shows off counter space. Stager Anthea Click of Fresh Perspectives in Nashville offers three tips for countertops.
1. Put Extras Away. Have no more than three appliances on the countertops - even fewer if the counter space is small. Remove extra items such as knife blocks, phones, and baskets, which will make the countertops look smaller than they really are.
2. Highlight. If the home has a center island, make it a focal point with greenery, such as an orchid, or a bowl of fresh fruit. If the island is big enough, have place settings on display with up to three bar stools. If the kitchen doesn't have an island but there is space for one, bring in a portable one to add counter space.
3. Add Color. Try placing kitchen canisters on the counter for color, interest, and balance.