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Real Estate Tips

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Step by Stepping Stones

Stepping stones are a decorative way to provide walking paths through your garden and prevent dirt, mulch and other debris from being tracked into your home. Plus, you can easily make your own stepping stones. Here are some tips for creating custom stepping stones:
• Be safe when working with concrete. Keep a straight back, bend with your knees and cradle the load up against your torso (wear old long sleeved shirt and long pants) when lifting bagged or formed concrete. Also, concrete dust can be caustic, so wear protective eyewear, gloves and a face mask.
• "Grease" the inside of the mold with petroleum jelly or cooking spray for easy removal of the garden stepping stones after the concrete dries.
• Plan your path. Before you can place your stepping stones you'll need to decide where you want your garden path to be. If you already have a beaten path from your regular foot traffic you can simply follow this. Keep the lay of the land and walking stride in mind when placing your stones. Avoid steep hills and don't place stones too far apart or too close together. The ideal spacing is 24 inches from center for most people.