How Does Saved Listings Work?

To save a listing to your list of favorites, click into the listing you're interested in and simply click the "Save Listing" button from the listing details page.

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To view your saved listings, click on the top " Saved Listings" link at the top of the screen near the menu. Save as many as you want and catalog them with this easy-to-use feature!

This feature works by storing an HTTP cookie on your machine to store and retrieve your list of favorites. To clear all favorite listings, simply clear out your browser's cookies (under the browser's settings).

Real Estate Tips

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Home Maintenance Basics - Spring

When spring comes, you want to get ready to relax in the summer by doing the following things:
• Change batteries in smoke alarms throughout the house.
• Have a professional service your air conditioner.
• Replace furnace filter.
• Inspect and clean gutters and downspouts.
• Check basement drains and sump pumps to make sure they are operating properly and are clog-free.
• Clear debris from and repair cracks in driveways, sidewalks and walkways.
• Clean area around air conditioner compressor.
• Prune trees and shrubs.
• Re-seed, re-sod, fertilize and aerate the lawn.
• Examine exterior finishes and repaint as needed.
• Inspect exterior caulking.
• Perform pest control.
• Wash exterior of house with standard garden hose pressure and a mild detergent.
• Power wash and reseal wooden decks and patios.
• Wash exterior screens and windows.
• Repair or replace any torn screens.