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Stocking A Linen Closet

The old-fashioned concept of a linen closet is again in vogue. You may already have a closet designated to store bath towels and bed sheets or if not, you may need to make room on shelves or in containers to keep your linens. Either way, here are some savvy suggestions to help keep your linens fresh and organized:
• Your first step is to make sure that your shelves are clean. You may also want to apply a fresh coat of paint or install lining paper to avoid snags from wooden shelves.
• Divide your linens into groups - sheet sets, extra blankets, body towels, hand towels, washcloths, etc. You can arrange by size, color or in matching sets depending on your preference. Tie sets with a ribbon for easy retrieval.
• If space allows, store out-of-season bedding in another location. More room in your linen closet means better organization and longer-lasting freshness.
• Store cloth napkins, placemats, tablecloths, and runners in a sideboard or armoire in or near the dining room. You can sort these by style (casual or elegant), season or size.
• Add cedar blocks or scented sachets to extend the pleasant fragrance of your linens.