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Best Dog Breeds to Minimize Allergies

Don't let allergies keep a new dog off your holiday wish list this year. Explore these and other breeds recommended for people who suffer from sensitivity to pet fur. One might just be your new best furry friend.

Bichon Frises have soft, fluffy, tightly curled coats that keep hair and dander restrained. They're gentle, playful, happy dogs who love activity. They require frequent grooming to prevent their coats from matting.

One likely reason you see so many Labradoodles and Goldendoodles is their non-irritating fur. These breeds' wool-like coats pick up fewer outdoor allergens than other breeds.

The unique, non-shedding coats of Poodles also hold on to hair and dander. They're extremely smart and very active, requiring daily exercise.

City dwellers and people with children might find American Hairless Terriers to be a perfect choice. These lively, friendly, intelligent companions need minimal exercise.

No matter what breed of dog you choose, be sure to stay committed to regular health and hygiene schedules. Routine grooming removes dander and other allergens from their coats, and all canine BFFs need bathing, dental and veterinary care.